14 January 2008

Prep #3 -- Post Marked 1/14

Fundraising: This morning I was very excited to work on my new video. My video explains 'Hiking for Recovery' and has posted for those interested. In addition, with the kind help of Julia P. (FJV and MRC employee) finished my request letters for donors, and potential sponsors. I was emboldened from Leah from JVC:NW that Hiking for Recovery will be published in the next newsletter which will reach 4000+ peoples. And Leah and I are working on connecting our two sites. Leah really was pleased to hear how my JVC experience is still informing my current decisions.

Preparations: I picked up some road maps from AAA. I've started the tedious work of tracing a PCT trail on to these maps so my mom has a wall map to follow my journey.

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