17 April 2008

On the Trail #1--Day 1


Driving from San Diego, I began pondering transition. I watched city and highway change to suburbs then fields of scrub brush and grass. I reached the southern marker at about 7:00 am, and after several photos and sticking my hand into Mexico, I started walking. My heart swelled to my eyes with delight and joy.

Throughout my day I consider other changes that would come. I'm learning how to read different data material with each authors style. My body is adapting to my shoes and pack; minor blisters formed on my feet, and my hip bones are sore.

The view and temps have changed. I had the gift of a breeze the 1st day. The breeze was cooling even as the sun climbed and blared effortlessly through the blue clear skies. I took several breaks throughout my day. I was careful to keep my feet dry by changing socks often and drying my feet in the sun. I'm pleased to establish this health pattern early on--my feet are happy too.

The trail went from dirt path, then a brief 100 yd of road, to a small climb. My feet were sheltered by short brush on this SE slope. After lunch I crested the little climb and could see Mt. Howser's exposed face waiting for me. This final climb drained my bodies energies, however, my spirit still soars. At last I descended to Lake Morena Co. Park--bonus, a shower!

Much love,

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