26 June 2008

Indepence to VVR (PCT ~860)


This past week has been the most physically trying so far. I'm tired and feeling weak. I don't have much energy even though I have been eating more. My hiking partner SW. has had GI issues and hasn't eaten in three days. Hopefully I don't get whatever he's been carrying. Today, I'm getting my maildrop at Vermilion Valley Resort (VVR) and resting. The temptation of a big meal and many calories waifs from the smell of the grill. Sadly I only feel my stomach is safe with toast and some fruit.

Leaving from Independence in route to VVR, I didn't begin with this low energy. As I shared with Emily, I left Independence full of energy and carried a great zeal for the trail and life in general. But a series of events continued to take 'it' out of me. First my Wood Creek Incident. The following night, Joanne walked by camp asking "have you seen Andrea." This was about 8 pm in the dark and we didn't know where Andrea was. The following day included a 2 hour rock scrambling, bolder hopping off trail search (she was up trail and had passed by off trail). Later I injured my leg by straining a muscle. That same afternoon SW. started getting sick. Slowing my pace to stay with him, I started feeling weaker myself.

However, settling more and more into this trail experience and finding home in my body has been supported by the relentless beauty. The long snow fields of Muir Pass made the summit taste all the more wonderful. Yet getting up to this pass was slow going, and I continued to be decieved as I misused my maps. Up and over SW. & I camped along Evolution Lake. Relaxing in camp by 7pm with the Towering Granite Spires and Spikes of Evolutions peak behind me I watched a glowing sun light up the canyon and reflect on the lake. The chill of 10,000 ft. and stillness of the air at 8pm was revitalizing after the work of that day.

Many things blurried together as I felt weaker and I put much attention into tending to my ailing friend. Initially my rambling stories helped each of us keep pace up climbing. By the last day in this section, I didn't want to talk much.

I've laid around at VVR begining to uppack the feelings from the Wood Creek Incident. After speaking with you on the phone, I found myself crying telling someone of my mixed feelings. Then I laid in bed feeling my heart and body trying to untangle the messy memories.

Slowly, just as I travel one step a time, Grace is providing the healing that my mind/body / heart yearn are always seeking.


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